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Saturday, December 25, 2010

Ever had a problem on using a Multimeter?

Well here is a great link describing nearly about everything there is to learn on using digital multimeters.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Motors Basics

A very nice resource explaining the basics of motion....

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Thermocouple Temperature Sensor.

Hi Guys, this is yet another a great resource for those who are interested in thermocouples.


A thermocouple is simple two wires of different material with one side of the ends joined and the other opened.

Real Thermocouple
Thermocouple Diagram

It works on the phenomena of the thermoelectric current. Means that when both the ends (joined and opened) are subjected to temperature difference, then a small amount of EMF is produced. The question is how "small" is this EMF.

This EMF is just a few micro volts! Too low to be used in any kind of circuits. So what next?!!

Since this EMF is too low to be used and is susceptible to contain noise form the environment, we need to amplify the signal and then filter it. But that's not it!

There is more to it.......for detailed info look at the document below and if you have any question please feel free to contact me.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Introduction to BreadBoard!

For those who are just starting prototyping their projects but having trouble using the bread board.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

How to implement PID controller !

So here it is guys!

PID Controller Implementation.

Lets start with the implementation assuming that all of you have good knowledge of PID theory. If not, then there are lots of book and material available on the internet.

There are two ways to build a controller:

-Analog controller
-Digital Controller

Lets just stick to analog controllers at this moment.

Analog controllers

Analog controllers are usually build using traditional operational amplifiers

Design 1: Ideal PID algorithm

Below is a simple inverting amplifier.

The equation (transfer function) of this amplifier is

 V2 / V1 = – Z2 / Z1

Now replacing Z1 and Z2 with a resistor and capacitor, we have the following op amp below.

Using some ECA (Electrical Circuit Analysis) , we have

V2 / V1 = – {(Rf / Ri + Ci / Cf) + (1 / RiCfD) + (RfCi) * D} = – {Kp + Ki / D + Kd D}

Hence the PID controller is :

PROPORTIONAL GAIN is Kp = (Rf / Ri + Ci / Cf),
INTEGRAL GAIN is Ki = (1 / RiCf), and
Choosing the right values of the resistors and capacitors will lead to a better controller.

Design 2: Parallel PID algorithm

This is the best method to implement the controller since it is very robust and easily tunable. Below image summarizes how it works.

This is how it is implemented,

INTEGRAL GAIN is KI = 1 / (R1i C1i), and
DERIVATIVE GAIN is KD = (R1d C1d), and

You can easily use variable resistors and capacitors to get a tuned response.

Design 2: Series PID algorithm

Here the controller is a product of PI controller and PD controller. Following is the diagram:

The PID controller:
PROPORTIONAL GAIN is KP = (R2i R2d / R1i R1d + R2d C1d / R1i C1i),
INTEGRAL GAIN is KI = R2d / (R1d R1i C1i), and
DERIVATIVE GAIN is KD = (R2i R2d C1d) / R1i.

So guys, this was short tutorial on how to implement a PID controller using an op amp.
For detailed information, derivation and an implemented example please see this.

Please let me know what you think about this post! Do comment.

Have fun.

Virtual Reality; get delusional

Watch the following clip and you will be amazed how a simple reverse technique can make u delusional, and makes u think a simple 3D model being actually real.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Introduction to PIC Microcontroller!

This presentation is for ppl who dont know much about PIC class microcontrollers made by Microchip. This is a basic introduction to pic microcontrollers, their programming and has a simple worked example as well.

You can find more information and download the MPLAB software here

Have Fun! :)

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Hi All. Please read.

You can request for any book or you can request for any specific content that you can not find anywhere else. I will try my best to find the stuff and put in the books page.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Most basic start: the link below decribes the basic electronics components and their symbols.

Check out this video to see how important is mechatronics today!

Hi there!

Please feel free to ask any mechatronics related questions on this blog. The contributors will try their best to accommodate your queries.

Role of Software Engineering in Mechatronics Systems

Most of the times you hear about Mechatronics engineering, a picture of ugly talking tin can comes into your mind, and you say these guys are all into making robots.

But nobody realises these robots are actually tin cans if there is no software running them. Its just like soul in a body.

what software??? yeah! amazed right? and to tell you the truth these softwares are not at all simple to make. A specialized and customized software is required for each robot. Then who do you think create these softwares?

Software Engineers! well may be, or may be not.
Computer scientists! same comment as above.

Then who??

The answer is simple a mechatronics engineer.

I know what you might be thinking, one of you may have said: "oh! come on this guy has gone nuts"

other might have said, "No way man, you people are just can openers, you can't do a complex and sophisticated thing like designing a software."

well bro's this is the truth the software are made and designed by mechatronics engineers who have aptitude and passion of making souls for a heart.

Mechatronics is never a specialized field, its a diverse and versatile field. Come on thats why this field came into being on the first place, bridging technologies and diverse fields.

This makes us mechatronics engineers "Jack of all traits and master of all."

We are unique.

see you next time.


  • About the author

    Hi , thank you very much for visiting my blog. I'm Qaiser, creator of Mechatronics Heaven. This blog is meant to help mechatronics engineers and provides a free knowledge sharing portal. Contact me if you have any questions or suggestions.
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